EdTech Disruption Day

EdTech Disruption Day, April 11th, 2024.
New Learning Now and in the Future! Let’s Disrupt EdTech Together! Exploring new technology, learning and sustainability, with new ideas and opportunities – sustainably and with well-being!
This annual event is organized by Keuda Group in Southern Finland, and also available online. Keuda is passionate about exploring and piloting new technology in education.
Target audience
Students, teaching staff from educational institutions, and business people from around the world are invited to the event.
The goal is to inspire students, teachers, and entrepreneurs to learn about new technologies, adopt them, enrich their learning and future work, and create a culture of experimentation in educational institutions and businesses.”
The aim of the event
The event aims to promote the adoption of new technologies in vocational and other schools by showcasing digital ways in which virtual and augmented reality, robotics, and artificial intelligence are already being used in teaching and business. Through practical examples, the event inspires and encourages students and entrepreneurs to openly study, experiment with, and adopt new technologies. It also deepens the interaction between VET providers and the business world on these modern themes.
The event program is based on TED-style talks by pioneering companies and innovative schools, showcasing their innovations and products utilizing new technology. Several internationally significant players have already been tentatively confirmed to attend.
For the Murros2024 event, a dedicated bot has been created to provide additional information about the upcoming and previous Murros events! Use of the bot requires logging in and a ChatGPT4 subscription. Please note, however, that even AI can make mistakes, so the responses provided by it may also contain inaccurate information. The bot is designed to reflect this “transition” we are experiencing and to highlight various solutions of new technology, whether they are AI implementations like this potentially hallucinating bot!
In Co-operation with:

For more information
Mr. Kari Honkonen
Digi Developer
+358 40 174 5520
Keuda Central Uusimaa Education Consortium
Järvenpää, Sibeliuksenväylä 55