EduTech Disruption Day 2023 – Program

New Learning Now and in the Future! Let’s Disrupt EdTech Together! Exploring new technology, learning and sustainability, with new ideas and opportunities – sustainably and with well-being! 

Time: Tuesday 18.4.2023 at 9:00–16:00
Place: Hybrid event, i.e. on site in Kerava (at Keuda Hall) and online (registered participants will be sent a participation link closer to the time of the event)

This annual event is organized by Keuda Group at Keuda Hall in Southern Finland, and also available online starting at 8 am CET on April 18th, 2023. Keuda is passionate about exploring and piloting new technology in education. There will be two streaming channels on YouTube. The program in English starts at 12 CET and ends around 4 PM CET.

Virtual Environment Keuda Metaverse

Remember to visit the event’s virtual environment also!

Moving and navigating in a virtual environment Keuda Metaverse

Creating an Avatar

Or get to know the virtual environment below:

Afternoon program in English at Kerava Hall

13 – 14 in finnish EET time

Arnaud Dressen, CEO and Founder, WONDA

Arnaud Dressen, CEO and Founder, WONDA

Jussi Kajala, CEO, 3DBear

Timo Mäkelä, Teacher, Keuda
Students (Builders of the Metaverse), Keuda

Jussi and Arnaud will introduce how they are approaching immersive learning and illustrate their presentations with a curated list of case studies, from corporate responsibility training, to vocational training case examples in logistics and general studies, and unveil their latest experiments with GPT for language learning with Harvard University.

As part of their presentation, they will also introduce the Murros Immersive Experience which was built in collaboration with Keuda. Teacher Timo Mäkelä and his students will share their experiences regarding co-designing and building the Keuda Metaverse.

Teemu Leinonen, Professor, Aalto University  

An emerging paradigm of online collaboration are a mirror worlds,  digital platforms, where everything in the real world— every place, building, and lamppost — will have its digital twin. With the crowing computing power and increasing network connectivity a mirror world is not only a replica of the real world but something that comes with layers of information, meanings, and functions that make it possible to interact with and manipulate. It is reasonable to claim that mirror worlds constructed using video, VR and AR will be the next technological platform with societal impact — like the impacts from the first big digital platform, the web, and the second platform, social media on mobile phones — we should have an idea of how and what we can learn with and from this platform. First, it is important that we have a deep understanding of the principles and functions of mirror worlds. Second, we should learn to be responsible when taking advantage of the platform in our own life endeavours. 

Katriina Lammi, Head of International Affairs, Keuda 
Tuire Salo, English Teacher, Keuda 

Piloting the use of virtual reality (VR) in 5 countries resulted in hands-on recommendations to teachers, it-support and management in vocational Schools – adaptable to other training sectors as well. 

Katriina Lammi and Tuire Salo discuss pedagogical aspects, technical and financial considerations, as well as student feedback. 

14 – 15

Pekka Varis, CEO, Cineshare 
Omniverse Ambassador (World´s first) 

Creating cinematic storytelling with easily and fast using latest Omniverse technology with reallusion characters! Digital twins and much more! 

Mikko Luukkonen, Solution Sales, Softability Oy

XR technologies (Augmented AR, Mixed MR and Virtual Reality VR) have already emerged to support modern industrial and medical device manufacturers to guide and speed up work, reduce errors, help diagnose problems, enhance training and support sales and marketing. Softability has experience of delivering such projects to global industrial customers with clearly defined KPIs for success. We are excited about how immersive technologies help solve real-world problems! 

XR technologies enable, for example: 

  • An immersive and faster way to learn 
  • Guided, hands-free working 
  • Getting help remotely, even in real-time
  • Placement and visualization of products and product ideas in the real environment.

XR Presence ( in a new tab

Rauno Saarnio
Partner/CDO – XR Presence Inc

Heads up for – Regulations and standards

The Commission has no immediate intention to propose specific policy or 
regulatory measures concerning the metaverse since the existing 
regulatory framework also applies to the metaverse. 

Rauno Saarnio Chief Design Officer ja partneri XR Presence Oy:ssä 
olen yrittäjä, minulla on 40 vuoden kokemus kansainvälisestä 
liiketoiminnasta – ja opin vieläkin uutta. 
AR/VR/XR asioissa + 10 v kokemus ja olen ollut useissa EU hankkeissa 
Horizon, Eureka, COSI, etc. 

XR Presence provides a VR/XR platform and a wide range of sites and functionalities to create company specific virtual reality solutions and experiences. 

XR Presence ( in a new tab

Achyut Chandra, Global Open Innovation Lead, HCLTech

Achyut Chandra will tell how Industrial Metaverse and Generative AI are paving way for high touch interactions in 2023. Do not miss this!

15 – 16

Professor, neuroscientist Minna Huotilainen, University of Helsinki

Modern neuroscience is used in the field of education to understand how learning and teaching could be optimally organised. In this talk, the ways we use technology in education, and the consequences of its use, are evaluated from the point of view of brain research. 

Kim Nyberg, Technology Director, Trimble 

XR, robotics and AI are three technologies that are transforming work in many industries, including construction. This presentation will cover some of the latest advances in the industry, including real world use cases from the construction industry. 

Vesku Paananen, Tech Lead, Partners

Industrial metaverse is a transformative catalyst for innovation. Our ability to bring immersive experiences into the world of work has the potential to empower millions across the globe. What is making this such an exciting time and what is happening right now across a diverse set of industries? Hear why Microsoft is continually investing in technologies, platforms, and solutions to fully realize the value of the industrial metaverse based on an innovation loop of design, build, operate, and optimize.


Earlier events:

Check out the implementations of previous years from the links below.

For more information

Honkonen Kari

Verkkopedagogiikan kehittäjä


Järvenpää, Sibeliuksenväylä 55

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