International Keuda

International activities in Keuda
Funded by Erasmus+ -programme.
International activities in Keuda cover a lot of activities:

Please follow us on Instagram and stay on track on what we’re doing!
@keudainternationalOpens in a new tab (Keuda international office’s Instagram account)
@keuda_ammattiinOpens in a new tab (Keuda’s official Instagram account)
Hosting students, staff and visitors
Keuda is an experienced host in student and staff mobility.
At the moment Keuda is not focused on offering jobshadowings, instead reciprosal co-operation with our partner schools.
Further information of our services below:
Keuda hosts individuals and groups of students for international mobility, mostly to work in companies in the area. Hosting is based on reciprocity with most of our partners. Our priority is co-operating with our longstanding partner schools.
You may request our possibilities to host other students and/or groups.
We have the European Mobility Charter for the new Erasmus+ -program period of 2021-2027.
We host individual staff members, or small groups of 4-6 staff members from 2-3 sectors.
For example: teachers of tourism and visual arts and photography, or cooking teachers and car mechanics and social & health care teachers.
Each visit is planned carefully 3-4 months prior to arrival.
Some costs may occure such as lunches and transportation as well as a hosting fee.
Located very close to the capital area, we sometimes receive expert groups for shorter visits to explore and learn about our training provision and e.g. about current VET-reform in Finland.
We charge a fee for hosting visitors. A minimum charge is 240€ +24% VAT, including 2 hours of presentation and discussion on a chosen theme, as well as a 30 min tour of the school premises and workshops. Lunch and coffee may be pre-ordered and invoiced.