
Welcome to Keuda!
Keuda provides working life -oriented education and training to the young, the adults and to companies in all fields of secondary vocational education and training (VET). We also offer development services for the progress of the region.
- VET -training on EQF-levels 4 and 5
- 6th biggest vocational education and training provider in Finland
- Around 6500 students (60% adults)
- Around 670 employees (2/3 teaching staff)
- 10 campuses
- Around 25-60 km from Helsinki and the Helsinki-Vantaa airport
- At the moment we offer qualification in English in Cleaning and property services
Applying to study at Keuda
If you want to apply, go directly to the qualifications website:
- Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and property services in English
- Further Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services in English
- Guiding to Work in the Service Sector in English
- Team Leader Vocational Degree Programme in English
These are the qualifications we offer in English.
Please note that all other qualifications are in Finnish. If you apply to these qualifications and your native language is other than Finnish, you will be invited to attend a language test.
Complete list of Vocational Upper Secondary qualifications provided by Keuda in Finnish & in English
Continuous adimission to study at Keuda Group Vocational Education and Training
You can apply to study at Keuda anytime throughout the year. Just fill in an application form on Keuda’s webpage. We will contact you in about two weeks.
Please find more information about applying, study schedules, health requirements etc. for each qualification in Finnish hereOpens in a new tab. You can browse the qualifications you are interested in, to find out more on specific requirements.
Joint national application
Students completing their compulsory education and students who don’t have former secondary education, apply online each spring at Studyinfo.fiOpens in a new tab. This is a national application round.
Personal competence development plan
In the beginning of your studies, prior skills and competences you have acquired are recognized. You will plan with your teacher how to gain skills that are still missing, in order to obtain the qualification you are interested in. You can acquire the missing skills and competences either at school or at work, usually as a combination of both. Depending on your previously acquired skills, you will study just a module, or some modules, or a whole qualification.
Study times vary, depending on how many skills and competences you need to study for. Qualifications are composed of both compulsory and optional modules. You demonstrate your skills in skills demonstrations, taking place in a work place in a real life working situation.
You can also sign a temporary job contract, and study as an apprenticeship trainee for any qualification or part of a qualification.
Study fee
Vocational qualifications are free of charge. Course materials may cost. Further vocational qualifications may cost. Please check the information on qualification-specific pages.
After studies
After gaining your qualification, you can start to work or to continue on to higher education.
If you have any questions about applying, you can contact Keuda’s Admission Services. We are pleased to give you advice by e-mail, phone and chat, as a rule, Mon-Fri from 9 am to 2 pm.