FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
This page compiles answers to frequently asked questions. If you cannot find an answer to your question here, it is advisable to ask your responsible teacher, study counselor, or the study office of your location.
Joint Application and Continuous Application
My name is not on the list of selected students, have I still been admitted to study?
Yes. The names published on the website are those who have given permission to publish their names during the application process. Additionally, Keuda sends a selection letter by email to those admitted. Please make sure you have provided a working email address on your application form. If a guardian’s email address is also provided on the application form, the selection letter will be sent to the guardian as well. Student selections can also be inquired at Keuda’s study office.
I don’t want my name to appear on the list of selected students. What should I do?
Send an email to opintotoimisto@keuda.fi or call your local study office.
How do I accept the study place?
There is a link in the email sent by the National Board of Education to accept the study place. You can also contact the study office by sending an email to opintotoimisto@keuda.fi or directly to your local study office. The study place must be accepted by specific date. You can see the schedule here: Application periods – Studyinfo (opintopolku.fi)Opens in a new tab
I am on the waiting list in the joint application. Can I still be selected?
The waiting lists are valid until specific date. You can see the schedule here: Application periods – Studyinfo (opintopolku.fi)Opens in a new tab. If you move up from the waiting list, you will receive an email about the selection from the National Board of Education and a selection letter from Keuda. Selection letters are sent throughout the summer.
I want to cancel the study place I have accepted.
Notify the cancellation by email to opintotoimisto@keuda.fi or directly to your local study office.
I have already been selected to study at Keuda in the continuous application, and now I have also been selected in the joint application. What should I do?
If you have already been selected to study in the continuous application, cancel the study place you received in the joint application. It will become available to the next person in line.
When will the names of those selected to study in the continuous application be published?
The names of those selected in the continuous application are not published; instead, each selected student is sent a notification of the selection decision and an information letter about starting the studies by email. Keuda’s study office services send these emails.
Study Period
When does school start and where?
For those selected in the joint application, the start times for each campus are stated in the selection letter and on the page Yhteishaussa opiskelemaan valitut (only available in Finnish) you can check the specific times on this page.
Continuing students and those selected through continuous application arrange the start date with their responsible teacher.
What do I need to bring on the first day of school?
Students under compulsory education will receive writing materials (pen, eraser, notebook) from the institution. You will need your KELA card for meals.
How do I apply for personal leave?
If you need to apply for personal leave from studies, contact your responsible teacher. Update your Personal Learning Plan (HOKS) as necessary, recording agreed matters regarding the progress of studies, including any leave time.
Compulsory students cannot apply for leave themselves. The guardian of a compulsory student contacts the responsible teacher, and together under the teacher’s guidance, they plan how the student will progress in their studies during this exceptional period. Agreed matters are recorded in HOKS under Actions.
User IDs
I cannot log into Pinja, Studenta, or other Keuda services.
Refer to Keuda’s IT instructions or contact the study office.
Strong Authentication
Instructions for setting up strong authentication can be found on the page Implementation and Instructions for Strong Authentication (MFA). If you have problems related to strong authentication, contact via email at helpdesk@keuda.fi.
How do I log into the school’s email?
The Student page has login links for all Keuda programs. All programs are accessed using Keuda’s username and password. If you have lost your password, contact the study office of your campus or send an email to opintotoimisto@keuda.fi.
Guidance and Support
How can I change my field of study within Keuda?
Contact your study counselor. You do not need to make a new application; the change of field is done as an internal service guidance. You can find the contact details of the study counselors on the page Study and Career Guidance.
How can I postpone the start time, for example, by a year?
Contact your study counselor. You can find the contact details of the study counselors on the page Study and Career Guidance.
Can I book a personal guidance appointment with a study counselor?
Yes, you can. The contact details of the study counselors are on the Study and Career Guidance page. For some study counselors, appointments can also be made through an electronic appointment calendar. The guidance is conducted either through the Teams program or by phone, according to the student’s preference.
Transport Connections
How do I get to Saaren Kartano?
During school work and holiday times, you can reach Saaren Kartano from the direction of Lahti, Orimattila, and Helsinki using a combination of train + bus/chartered taxi.
From Helsinki: Z-train (to Mäntsälä or Henna station) + Matkahuolto bus or Keuda’s chartered service.
From Lahti: Z-train (to Henna station) + Matkahuolto bus or Keuda’s chartered service.
From Orimattila: Z-train (to Henna station) + Orimattila city chartered taxi.
You can check the schedules of public transport on the websites of Matkahuolto (use Keuda Mäntsälä (Saari) as your destination), VR (Finnish Railways), and Orimattila city public transportation.
What’s on the menu today?
You can browse the menus of the student cafeterias by clicking the button below (opens in a new tab).