
Kansainväliset hankkeet


01.09.2016 - 31.08.2018





Reshape the Future – Education and training for migrants and refugees

Education and training is the most important way to active citizenship, better life and self-fulfilment. Migrants and refugees should integrate as soon as possible into our societies. This means not only the language skills, but also the possibility to enter educational programs as soon as possible, and be prepared for finding a job on our labour markets. Sharing experiences and best practices is vital in order to cope and to develop as we go along. Therefore the aim in Reshape the future –project is to systematically scrutinize adult education provision and training for migrants and refugees, from the perspectives especially chosen as necessary and interesting to all partners. The co-operation within Reshape-project helps us to plan the structure for our education and training provision for migrants. The themes in survey were the following: –         Recognition of non-formal and formal learning of migrants and refugees –         Competencies and continuous training of vocational adult educators and counsellors working with migrants and refugees –         Guidance and counselling for migrants and refugees –         Entrepreneurial training for migrants and refugees –         Quality assurance of vocational education and training provision targeted to migrants and refugees “Reshape the future” has been a co-operation between six European countries – Keuda from Finland, Finska Folkhögskolan from Sweden, Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali (IFOA) from Italy, ROC Alfa College from Netherlands, Tietgen from Denmark and Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) from Slovenia. The project comprised of five chosen themes, with each was studied in 5-days workshops organized by one partner by turn.   The WS preparation was teamwork with those taking part to the WS in question. Each partner prepared a thorough presentation (paper + power point, video etc.) on the theme in their own country and organization. Making the presentations and papers meant a lot of studying around the theme and scrutinizing the practises in partner’s own organization. Every 5-day thematic workshop was a training period for teachers and counsellors taking part to the project. These workshops gave an excellent opportunity for adult educators to learn about education and training activities for migrants and refugees through the theme in question. The theme reports, prepared by the host partners, are products of the project and can be found annexed in this report and on the Erasmus+ Projects Results Platform. The theme report is a description of the current practices, key messages and next practices, based on presentations, visits, discussions and debates in workshops. Form of the reports is a pdf. The project has produced also an e-article, which is an abridged synthesis of the WS theme reports, added with the introduction and conclusion chapters. The main points of the project are presented in an explainer whiteboard video. Reshape the future –project whit its five different themes is extremely current in the field of education and training. Through this project our staff in partner organizations had the possibility to bring out their experiences, doubts, uncertainty and expertizes. In the other hand they learnt to look the issue from new perspectives and get to know good practices. There are many challenges and matters to take into account in the education and training for migrants and refugees, but at the same time there are activities already in daily running and solutions to be found together. These were the aims for continuous training for teachers, counsellors and managers. Continuous training has been the most important value from the project. In addition to what have been mentioned above, partners’ aim was to create a strong and wide know-how concerning the educations and training of migrants and refugees.  

Partner Name

Theme No

Theme Name


Tietgen, Odense Denmark 1 Recognition of non-formal and informal learning 28.11. – 2.12.2016
SIAE, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Competences and continuous training of adult educators and counsellors 27.3. – 31.3.2017
Alfa College, Groningen, The Netherlands 3 Guidance and counselling 18.9. – 22.9.2017
IFOA, Reggio Emilia, Italy 4 Entrepreneurial training 27.11. – 1.12.2017
Mångkulturella folkhögskolan, Göteborg, Sweden 5 Quality assurance relating to educational activities in social integration 12.3. – 16.3.2018
Keuda, Kerava, Finland (coordinator) 6 Multiplier event + final evaluation seminar 22.5. – 24.5.2018

Reshape eArticle

Reshape eArticle 2016-2018Aukeaa uuteen välilehteen  

Reshape explainer whiteboard video

Reshape the Future – Education and training for migrants and refugeesAukeaa uuteen välilehteen  

Reshape WS theme reports

Reshape WS Competences and continuous trainingAukeaa uuteen välilehteen Reshape Entrepreneurship and education and trainingAukeaa uuteen välilehteen Reshape WS Guidance and counsellingAukeaa uuteen välilehteen Reshape WS Quality assuranceAukeaa uuteen välilehteen Reshape WS Recognition of non-formal and formal learningAukeaa uuteen välilehteen  


Koulutus on avain aktiiviseen kansalaisuuteen, hyvinvointiin ja itsensä toteuttamiseen. Onnistunut maahanmuutto ja yhteiskuntaan integroituminen edellyttää maan kielen osaamista, tietoutta ja työmarkkinoilla tarvittavaa osaamista. Mikä on ammatillisen aikuiskoulutuksen tehtävä ja rooli näiden taitojen kehittämisessä? Ja millä tavalla koulutus tulee järjestää, jotta se tukee erilaisten maahanmuuttajien integroitumista uuteen kotimaahan. Ammatillisella aikuiskoulutuksella on tärkeä tehtävä maahanmuuttajien ja pakolaisten olemassa olevan osaamisen tunnistamisessa ja osaamisen kehittämisessä. Tässä tehtävässä aikuiskoulutuksen henkilöstö on tärkeässä roolissa. Reshape-hankkeessa maahanmuuttajien koulutusta tarkasteltiinn viiden eri teeman kautta. Hankkeeseen osallistuneet kumppanit esittelivät teemaan liittyen oman maansa käytänteitä, joita yhteisvoimin kehitettiin edelleen. Tarkastelun kohteena oli maahanmuuttajien osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen, aikuiskoulutuksen henkilöstön osaamisen kehittäminen, ohjaaminen ja neuvonta, yrittäjyyteen kouluttaminen ja yrittäjyyden edistäminen sekä maahanmuuttajien koulutuksiin liittyvä laadunhallinta. Hankkeessa tuotettiin loppuraportti (eArticle), joka kokosi hankkeen teemat, nosti esiin niihin liittyviä haasteita ja hyviä käytänteitä. Hankkeen päätösseminaari toteutettiin Keudan järjestämänä 22. – 24.5.2018. Hankkeeseen osallistuivat Keudan lisäksi Alfa College Hollannista, IFOA Italiasta, Mångkulturella folkhögskolan Ruotsista, Tietgen Tanskasta ja SIAE Sloveniasta. Hanke toteutettiin aikavälillä 1.9.2016 – 31.8.2018.
